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Blood Drinking & Blue People: Fantastic Podcasting with The Kulturekast

One of the big benefits of being friends and collaborating with certain podcasters is that not only do you get to converse about movies with people who are super fun and knowledgeable, but, if you're really lucky, you get to do a give and receive dance with sharing individual titles.

Recently, that has been my exact experience with The Kulturekast Podcast. Hosted by my Cinema Blindspot brother, Chris Stachiw (if you know, you know) and frequent guest co-host Father Malone, these cool cats and myself recently talked about a surrealistic sci-fi French animation classic and one of Full Moon Pictures most cherished vampiric film series in two fun as hell episodes in the form of Fantastic Planet and the first three Subspecies movies. (I'm sure you can take a good guess on which titles I picked for discussion!)

For Fantastic Planet, which was Father Malone's pick, we got to revisit a film I hadn't seen since I was a teenager and I am so glad we did. I'm incredibly picky when it comes to animation but when art is this hand-crafted and captivating, it is easy to get enthralled.

It was then my turn to pick a topic for a future episode and after giving them three options, the Subspecies Trilogy one out! (I still refuse to count part four as canon, but that is me being an admittedly cranky fan girl.) Talking about these films and especially the character of Radu and actor Anders Hove's performance is legit one of my favorite things ever. Some people collect Pokemon cards and binge on the latest streaming TV shows...I love talking about Radu!

Coming soon...Chris, Father Malone, and myself discuss dodgy ape relations in Congo and more!


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