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Jan 16, 20227 min read
The Rocket Files: It’s Time for Androgyny…Here Comes Pat!
Walking outside right as dusk is waning almost completely into darkness, your eyes spot a twinkling light up in the pale-pinky-violet...
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Jan 1, 20228 min read
The Rocket Files: TV Party Tonight!
There once was a gift to the American television landscape and that gift was called local or public access. The act of truly...
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Dec 7, 20205 min read
The Charles Rocket Files #2: It's all Going Down Twisted
Nothing was supposed to go wrong... If ever there was a halcyon era for the B movie, it was the 1980s. Part of this boon was due, no...
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Nov 14, 20204 min read
The Charles Rocket Files: In the Beginning...
“Switch on the TV we may pick him up on channel two Look out your window I can see his light If we can sparkle he may land tonight” David...
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